With over 200 different headaches recognised by the International Headache Society, the impact on one’s life can be substantial. Symptoms range from an annoying ache to debilitating pain impacting all five senses. As with many chronic conditions, it can take many years of doctor’s visits and treatment modalities to find what only feels like a temporary solution.
Over the last 20 years, research surrounding headaches and migraines has focussed on the relationship between the upper cervical spine and the brainstem. Dr Dean Watson, PhD, has been one of the leading minds in this research and, in 1997, developed the Watson Approach®.
Dr Watson, PhD, has found that over 80% of migraine cases are caused by dysfunction in your neck’s upper three vertebral joints. The Watson Approach® is a non-invasive manual therapy methodology that has been taught worldwide for over 20 years. It examines and manages the possible relationship between your migraines and your neck.
The Watson techniques work with the power of ‘reproduction and resolution’. The treatments begin with an assessment of the cervical spine, looking for ‘misbehaviour’ within the neck that can lead to sensitisation of the brainstem, creating migraines. Once dysfunction within the cervical spine is resolved, the treatment moves to desensitisation of the ‘headache centre’ of the brain stem to stop the recurrence of headaches, migraines and their related symptoms.
The approach is gentle and doesn’t use neck cracking but rather sustained pressure to the appropriate upper neck joints.
The Watson Headache Approach® is the only scientifically validated manual therapy approach that has been shown to affect the underlying cause of headache, migraine and the related sensitisation of the brainstem.